
標題: “保健食品”英文怎麼说 [打印本頁]

作者: admin    時間: 2022-6-27 16:23
標題: “保健食品”英文怎麼说
每逢春節,只要碰见亲朋,人们总要互赠礼物庆祝新年,虽然礼品年年都有新品,但保健食物仍然會是不少人的首選方针。笔者注重到,在這些保健食物的外包装上,几近無一破例地写有一些英文先容,此中“保健食物”的英文几近清一色地被翻译成為了health food或healthy food。那末,保健食物在英文中真的是這麼表达的吗?

再看一些經常使用的汉英辞书,如吴景荣、程镇球主编的《新期间汉英大辞书》和惠宇主编的《新世纪汉英大辞书》等,保健食物的對應词都是health food,比方:

In health-food stores, you’ll find dozens of products that claim to do wonders for your brain.

Nor do manufacturers of so-called nutriceuticals, the unregulated natural "Medications" found in health-food stores and supermarkets.

進一步盘問發明,平凡英语辞书對付health food的诠释與咱们理解当中的“保健食物”彻底不是一回事。《牛津英语大辞书》對health food的释义是“food chosen for its dietary or health-giving properties”。在health food store出售的食物范畴很广,可所以有機食物、自然食物、專門食物,全麦食物、和其他批量出產的并颠末精加工的食物(Health food, as used to describe stores, this term has taken on a generic meaning, encompassing everything from organic, natural and specialized diet food to whole wheat and other products mass-produced and refined.)。

按照Collins-COBUILD on CD-ROM,health food指的是“natural foods without artificial ingredients which people buy because they consider them to be good for them”。《剑桥高档進修者辞书》供给的诠释则是“food that is believed to be good for you because it does not contain artificial chemicals or much sugar or fat”。明显health food的所指范畴比“保健食物”要广,它包含所有有利于康健的、不含化學添加剂的食品,更切当地说,它指的是與“垃圾食物”百家樂賺錢,相對于應的“康健食物”。至此,咱们可以看出,把“保健食物”翻译成health food是十分不当的。

外洋的一個先容healthy foods的網站()列出的healthy foods包含fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains and teas這几类,這就是咱们如今凡是所说的“绿色食物”,它们天然也是“康健食物”。

經由过程網页搜刮,笔者在美國食物與藥品辦理局(FDA)的官方網站發明了dietary supplement這一辞汇。美國國會在1994年核准了一個名為“保健食物康健和教诲法”(Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act)的法律,在此無妨把其诠释摘录以下:

Congress defined the term "dietary supplement" in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. A dietary supplement is a prod皮膚炎藥膏,uct taken by mouth that contains a "dietary ingredient" intended to supplement the diet...Whatever their form may be, DSHEA places dietary supplements in a special category under the general umbrella of "foods," not d補腎,rugs, and requires that every supplement be labeled a dietary supplement.

上述诠释清晰地表白,dietary supplement是一种含有養分素的、在平常饮食以外為增长養分成份而摄取的口服產物,它不是藥品,而是一种食品,可是也有别于每日三餐餐桌上的食品。因而可知,dietary supplement就是“保健食物”,并且,上述英文释义也是彻底合适我國台北當舖,國度食物藥品监視辦理局官方網站對“保健食物”的诠释的。

按照我國有關部分的诠释,“保健食物”既属于食品的范围,但又分歧于傳统意义上的食品,它们的感化都是在饮食以外弥补養分、调理人體性能,加强體质。是以,dietary supplement和“保健食物”二者的所指是吻合的。综上所述,“保健食物”不该该译成health food,而是應当译成dietary supplement或food supplement,而health food则是“康健食物”。(曹新宇對此文亦有進献)

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